Everybody loves a good potato skin! Now you can enjoy them bite size!
Roughly 15-20 baby potatoes, washed
2 tablespoons of earth balance butter, melted
1 cup of Daiya cheddar cheese shreds
1/3 cup of bacon bits
1 bunch of chives chopped
Follow your heart Sour Cream
Preheat oven to 420
Using a fork poke holes into each potato
Place onto a greased cookie sheet and bake for 25-20 minutes until tender
Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes
Cut each potato in half
Using a spoon remove most of the potato meat, leave the skin and 1/3 inch of meat
Brush the inside and outside of potatoes with melted butter
Place skin side up on cookie sheet
Place back in oven for 10 minutes
Flip potatoes skin side down
Bake for an additional 5-8 minutes until crispy
Remove and sprinkle each potato evenly with cheese and bacon bits
Place back into oven and bake for 5 minutes until cheese is melted
Remove from oven
Top each potato with sour cream and chives
Serve and Enjoy!