A super cute easy to make cheese ball formed into a pumpkin in shape! You can also add in any other seasonings you like, just start with the base of shreds and cream cheese!
1/2 cup of yellow vegan cheese shreds
8 oz vegan cream cheese
2-3 tbsps chopped chives
1 tbsps ranch seasoning*
Saran Wrap
*We used Riega Or you can make your own, here is a recipe by vegan richa

Add your vegan shreds to a medium microwavable bowl
Microwave for 30-45 seconds until almost melted
To that bowl add your cream cheese, chives and ranch seasoning
Mix well until creamy
Place two large pieces of Saran Wrap onto working surface
Place your cheese in the center
Form into a ball
Wrap tightly forming a pumpkin/ball shape
Making sure no cheese is being squeezed out
Use your twine to wrap around the ball to form pumpkin indents, see video
Tying a knot to keep tight
Refrigerate for at least 8 hours or overnight to harden up
Remove once hardened
Remove twine and Saran Wrap
Place onto plate
Top the center with the stem of a green bell pepper
Serve with crackers
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